Sundi Sturgeon

Sundi Sturgeon

PhD Intergrative Medicine - Specialist - Holistic Quantum

Sundi’s clients describe her as a “‘truly gifted Earth Angel’.”

Sundi Sturgeon’s loving, nurturing and non-judgmental presence is strongly felt by her many clients as she embodies a unique approach; her gift to empower her clients to reach their highest potential in a loving and safe environment is unsurpassed. She provides her clients with all the tools necessary to re-discover a balanced and peaceful state-of-being.

Sundi’s passionate nature was borne from enduring many struggles, trials, and travails including traumatic health challenges, overcoming cancer, fibromyalgia, and a variety of addictions and abuses resulting in two near-death experiences and a personal dark night of the soul. These experiences guided Sundi to birth a new belief system inspiring the discovery of her unrealized potential, finally reclaiming her self-worth and personal empowerment.

Sundi is a certified Reiki Master, Intuitive Empath/Healer, CHT, NHC, and certified Doreen Virtue Angel Practitioner. Sundi completed her doctorate in integrative medicine with a focus in holistic/quantum medicine in 2016. Sundi is a wife, mother, and grandmother who is devoted to caring for all Earth’s living beings. A resident of Kihei, Maui, Sundi lives with her husband, Joseph.

As Quantum Energy Healing practitioners Sundi and Joseph co-founded the Holistic Light Rejuvenation Center, which is a 501c3 educational and charitable organization promoting holistic and cellular rejuvenation services.

Compiler of the Warrior with Angel Wings Anthologies, Sundi has also contributed to the following books: “Women On a Mission”, “In the Presence of Angels” by Karen Tants, and Brigitte Parvin’s “How To Get Your Life Back“.

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Client Mentions

“Sundi Sturgeon’s intuitive gifts will surely help many as they walk their spiritual path toward finding their own inner healer and wisdom self. The Angel Card reading that Sundi gave me was profound and accurate. She is blessed with great intuitive gifts. Sundi shares what her work is about and how she receives information from the Angels and Spirit. She is deeply connected and has an organic stream of consciousness from which she works. Sundi’s readings are valid and authentic. Her transmission was in direct relation to what I was working on. The information that came through her gave me direction. I was able to discern what actions to take and what to put on hold and that I am on the right path. I Honor Your Vision and Bow to the Spirit in You!” Cathy Greer Gonzales

Author • Speaker • Poet • Spiritual Practitioner • Intuitive Healer • Peace Ambassador

“Thank you for the wonderful reading Sundi, I can honestly say that you are a true lifesaver! You’ve helped to raise and shift my vibrational energies and have helped to align my soul with great HOPE for the future! I was equally impressed with how you checked up on me to make sure that I was ok later on and that really touched my heart! Love you girl for a

fabulous reading and will not be forgotten anytime soon! Blessings of love & light to you Sweetness!” SC

“I have really enjoyed my sessions with Sundi. The technology along with her guidance really helped me get past a dark heavy time, and into a lighter place to live. This was the beginning of a simpler, more natural existence. The angel card readings were fun, and really accurate.” RG

“I had a period of great challenge and difficulty in my life and I was at a loss of how to cope. Sundi’s readings gave me a lot of insight, and helpful advice on how to move forward. I couldn’t have done it without her.” JB

“My angel reading with Sundi was great! Sundi is very intuitive as well and has amazing energy.I also experienced a healing session with avibration regenesis device and felt that my personal vibration was higher.After the session I also felt extremely calm, peaceful and well rested. I highly recommend an angel reading if you are looking for angel guidance as well as the regenesis therapy!” YL